Who We Are

Leave No Man Behind… Leave No Man Where You Found Him.

F3’s Core Ethos

F3Ocoee is a men’s workout group serving the city of Cleveland, Tennessee with the mission to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership. Our workouts:

Are free of charge.

There will never be a financial, monetary cost to attend an F3 workout.

Are open to all men

Regardless of your background, beliefs, color, creed or any other delineating factor. If you’re a man, F3 is open to you.

Are peer led

F3 workouts are led by its members, in a rotating fashion. No training necessary – anyone of any ability can lead an F3 workout.

Are held outdoors

Rain, snow, sunshine, heat, cold. Nothing stops this train. F3 workouts are outside.

End with a Circle of Trust

The man who leads the workout has earned the right to share whatever he wants at its conclusion. Sometimes this is a quote, a Bible verse, or a book recommendation. Sometimes, it’s anecdotes about groundhogs. Show up to find out more.

Check out this article about F3 from the January/February 2019 issue.

Check out this episode about F3 from the Art of Manliness podcast.

Schedule & Locations

F3 Ocoee Fitness (1st F – Workouts):

F3 Ocoee currently has 7 total opportunities to connect per week, running Monday-Saturday.
Don’t worry about being out of shape – just show up!

Direct questions to: @f3ocoee -or- [email protected]

Workout Map

View F3 Ocoee in a full screen map

Weekly Calendar